
Your payment is approved!

Attention Please
I would like to inform you that your full payment of $1.5 million
is ready and the Central Bank of West African States has approved
the transfer of the money via Visa ATM card, which allows you to
withdraw all your money from any ATM anywhere in To withdraw your
$1.5 million from any ATM anywhere in the world, we are directing
United Bank for
Africa to send you the ATM card and PIN code you need to withdraw
your $1.5 million from anywhere in the world. Contact Mrs.
Angella Mabelle Egobiah /UBA United Bank ATM PAYMENT, Email
address: angellamabelle@gmail.com, with your full details such
as home address and direct telephone number, inform her that you
have received this message from Mrs. Angella Mabelle Egobiah,
office. You have to pay the fee of $198USD to claim your Atm card
which is for Non Resident Tax Clearance and the delivery charges.
Thank you for complying with this instruction and once again our
Mrs. Angella Mabelle Egobiah
For your compensation fund.
Email: angelmabelle@rediffmail.com

