
Re:Dear Internet user

Dear Sir,

We are an international refund structure. We are writing to
inform you that our software has set up a detection system for
all people who have been victims of internet scams.

As a result, we have detected that you are one of the victims of
a scam, which is why we are contacting you to pass on the
information so that we can reimburse you for all the money you
have lost, as well as compensating you.

If you really are one of the people who has been scammed, please
contact us so that we can check what you've lost and then we'll
refund you.

NB: the refund structure offers this refund free of charge to
victims of scams without paying us a penny.

Yours sincerely

Mrs.Edyta Jovichikj
OLAF Anti Fraud
European Commission
Rue Joseph II 30 1000 Brussels Belgium

