
Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender


Some Messages could not be delivered to your mail-box

There are new messages in your Email Quarantine, messages will be automatically removed from quarantine after 24hrs.
The following summary displays a maximum of the most recently blocked messages.

To see all quarantined messages click on Deliver all messages and release to inbox within 12hrs.


Quarantined email
  Recipient: Subject: Date:
Release zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com Fw: Payment SWIFT Copy
01:16 pm
Release zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com RE: [EXTERNAL] PO 800-02647.....
9:52 am
Release zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com RE: Revised SPA
7:49 am
Release zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com Re: Fw: Due Invoice 7:06 am
Deliver all messages

blogger.com Panel Settings

Note: This message was sent by the system for notification only.   Please do not reply 

If this message lands in your spam folder, please move it to your inbox folder for proper interrogation:
Important     : Do NOT forward this message. Recipients of this message will be able to manage your quarantined messages and approved senders. For more information about this digest, contact your mail administrator.

