

Greetings and thank you for your kind attention and time

My name is Tracy Clarke. I am the Regional CEO, Europe & Americas
and CEO, Private Bank in standard chartered Bank, United States
of America. I am responsible for the Corporate & Institutional
Banking, Private and Retail Banking businesses in the US, Latin
America, UK, Jersey, Germany, France, Nordics and Turkey.

I was researching on the internet and I discover that your last
name coincidentally corresponds with the potentials I have in my
business proposal. Therefore, I'm writing you to this effect,
believing that this proposal will benefit both of us.

Your last name corresponds with the name of a customer from. He
made a fixed deposit with my bank in December 2010 for 36
calendar months which is valued at $35,500,000.00 (THIRTY-FIVE
of the said deposit was the 31st December 2013.

It has been long my bank heard from him.Recently,my bank
management has requested that he should give instructions on
either to renew or terminate his fixed deposit investment us.He
was never heard of after the crisis in Singapore where he was
unfortunately killed during the crisis on one of his numerous
business trips.He was not married and had no child. My bank
management is yet to know about his death.I was able to know
about it because he was a very good friend to me though I am his
account officer.

He did not mention any next of kin when the account was
created.Therefore if my Bank management discovers his death,the
$35,500,000.00 will immediately be converted to their personal
use.But I would not allow that to happen.Now the deal is this.

I am now seeking your full co-operation to present you as next of
kin to late late customer because you have the same last name
with him.I only need your consent to this deal thereafter I will
make my in-house arrangement here in our headquarters to fix your
name as the legitimate next of kin to inherit the $35,500,000.00.
Do not entertain any fear.There is no single risk involved.

This claim will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that
will protect you from any breach of law.I am not a greedy person
but it's better we claim this money and share it equal,than
allowing the Bank management to have it,they are rich already.My
share can assist me to start my own company which has been my
dream.please remember it should be a top secret between us. I
will give you more details on how I plan to execute this claim as
soon as I know that you are ready to cooperate with me.


Tracy Clarke
Regional CEO, Europe & Americas and CEO, Private Bank

E:  00carlos.sh@gmail.com
1 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor | NY 10036-3603, USA.
W: | www.sc.com/en/people/tracy-clarke

