
My Dearest in the Lord

My Dearest in the Lord:

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm Ms. Beatrix
Baharudin.the widow of late Dr. George Solomon, I'm 56 years old. I am
a Christian convert, suffering from prolonged cancer of the breast,
from all medical indications my condition has really deteriorated and
it's pretty obvious that I may not live for up to six months owning to
the rapid growth by stage and the excruciating pain that accrues to it.

I have an amount of $ 6,300,000.00 (Six Million, Three Hundred
Thousand) only lying fallow with the Royal Bank of Scotland (The Nat
West Bank) which I inherited from my late husband that i will like to
will to you for Humanitarian service, for the church of God, the poor
and the victim of cancers and other vulnerable diseases.

Kindly get back to me for more details on how the fund could be
claimed and transferred to your desired bank account.

May the grace and blessings of God be and remain with you.

I shall be awaiting your response.

Ms. Beatrix D. Baharudin.

