


I got your email through a data base and after going through your profile, I decided to reach out to you. I am a professional agent and my principal is a former Top Libyan Politician, have asked me to look for an investment manager, that could take available investment fund as loan on a one digit interest rate repayable in full after 10 years. Funds readily available is over ($10 Billion) ten billion United states dollars.

Your swift response is highly expected. Please contact me on my secure email address (info.diplomat0@gmail.com) for more information.

In your response, I want you to provide me with your particulars as
listed below:

1) Your full name.

2) Home or office Address.

3) Land Telephone and mobile phone numbers.

4) Your Age.

5) Your gender/Sex.

6) Your Occupation.

7) Copy of your identification.

8) Your nationality.

9) Salary Range.

Yours sincerely,
Austin Granti.

