
Confirm Email De-activation Request

Dear (zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com),

Thank you, we received your account deactivation request.and this request will be processed before 24 hrs.

If this request was made accidentally and you have no knowledge of it, you are advised to cancel the request now

                  CANCEL DE-ACTIVATION .

If you do not cancel this request your account will be shutdown shortly and all your email data lost permanently.

zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com Administrator

© 2021 cPanel Administrator

Debt Reconciliation!


We are very sorry to communicate you through this medium. we
are member of the European Debt Recovery Unit and we are aware
of your ordeals and challenges of your unpaid fund.

It might interest you to know that not long after the Debt
Management Office (DMO) completed the merger and acquisition
process of all pending payments, through the petitions submitted
by the international communities about their unpaid funds,
however in the course of our examination and fact findings as
stated in the petitions We discovered that one of the top
personnel in the management compromised with some top officials
to divert funds approves to settle unpaid Fund (concealed funds).

The DMO has already given approval for the payment of your fund
but they deliberately withheld your payment file and continue to
demand fees from you through their associates from different
unassigned affiliates mostly from Africa, US, Europe, and Asia
all in an attempt to frustrate you and enrich themselves. I
wonder why you haven't noticed all this while.

You may choose to disbelieve this email as inconceivable but my
doctrine does not permit such an act, the reason I have to open
up to you to seek the right channel. Your fund was authorized to
be paid to you through the DMO asset management firm with a Key
Tested Reference/Claim Code Number, which was supposed to have
been issued to you before now.

Upon your response to my message, I shall guide you through and
provide you with details to contact the assigned affiliate who
will facilitate the release of your fund.

Thanks and have a wonderful day.

Yours Faithfully,

Andrew Hansen,
European Debt Recovery Agent, UK

You Have Received a Sharepoint File

blogger.com shared a file with you

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Meeting reminder message
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Confirm Email De-activation Request

Dear (zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com),

Thank you, we received your account deactivation request.and this request will be processed before 24 hrs.

If this request was made accidentally and you have no knowledge of it, you are advised to cancel the request now

                  CANCEL DE-ACTIVATION .

If you do not cancel this request your account will be shutdown shortly and all your email data lost permanently.

zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com Administrator

© 2021 cPanel Administrator


Dobrý deň moja drahá

Dobrý deň moja drahá,
Ako sa máš dnes a tvoja rodina?
Som pani Martina Francis. Mám fond (2 700 000,00 MILIÓN USD), ktorý
som zdedil po svojom zosnulom manželovi a chcem prostredníctvom vás
darovať chudobným ľuďom, týraným deťom, menej privilegovaným osobám,
cirkvám, sirotincom a trpiacim vdovám v spoločnosti. Ale ja tak dlho
trpím rakovinou, že som bol hospitalizovaný na liečenie. Teraz mám
strach z toho, čo mi lekár oznámil po sérii testov na mne, že kvôli
chorobe možno nebudem dlho žiť a obávam sa, že prídem o tento fond pre
vládu, pretože sa nestarajú o chudobných v spoločnosti.

Ocením vašu úprimnosť a odvahu zvládnuť tento projekt.
Kontaktujte ma ihneď po prečítaní tejto správy a získajte ďalšie
podrobnosti o tejto humanitárnej agende.

Boh vám žehnaj, kým čakám na vašu odpoveď.
Vaša sestra.

Pani Martina Francis.


From Mr.Chusak Jaidee.


How are you doing today? I sent you an email yesterday, did you receive it? It is a very important message, anyway reply back to confirm that you already got my message to enable me to give you more details..

Best Regards.
Mr.Chusak Jaidee.


Dear beloved

Hello Dear

I would like to know if you would be interested to discuss business cooperation with me.
This is something that I would like to discuss personally with you. From what I understand, I am not sure if you would be interested in business cooperation outside of your professional field. Please respond if you would be interested in the business so that I can send you more details.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Raphael Mizrahi
Email: raphaelmizrahi@udttld.com

Abține-te de la cumpărărea unui bikini! Vezi cum poți scădea 2 mărimi la haine în 12 zile!

Un expert dezvăluie: este suficient să faceți acest lucru o dată pe zi pentru a obține o cifră perfectă în 18 zile

Vă puteți croi corpul în 18 zile

-10 kg
iar forme ca din revistă

Te scapă de 10 kg în 18 zile

Mulțumită plasturilor pentru liposucție îți poți sculpta corpul
exact așa cum vrei!

Așa va arăta corpul tău peste 18 zile [POZĂ] >
Doar astăzi: primiți -75% reducere

Vei slăbi în 29 de ore fără să vizitezi un salon de medicină estetică

Îți vei aplatiza burta în 6 zile fără liposucție periculoasă

Îndepărtează excesul de apă din corp în 19 ore
12 x retenție mai mică de grăsime după 6 ore

Veți elimina celulita și vă veți întări pielea în 16 zile fără antrenamente zilnice

Veți arde 4 kg de grăsime
de pe coapse și fese în 8 zile


O revoluție în pierderea în greutate!

Primul pe piață reductor de grăsime pentru uz privat cu precizie de laser, se descompune și elimină celulele adipoase, topind grăsimea de 7 ori mai repede!


Slăbește 10 kg în 18 zile și transformă visul unei figuri perfecte într-o realitate! Fără o dietă de slăbire și exerciții fizice intense.

Vreau să primesc -75% reducere și să slăbesc 3,5 kg într-o săptămână >

Opriți primirea mesajelor
Administratorul de date este Ads B International Corp LTD, London, W1W 7LT, Great Portland 85, company number: GB 12313387. Aveți dreptul să retrageți orice consimțământ la comanda clientului în orice moment sau prin trimiterea informațiilor despre retragerea acestuia la adresa e-mail.
Expediat la cerere Entra Ltd, Suite 4 GX11 1AA, 4 Giro's Passage, Gibraltar. Incorporation No. 113909


Email Suspension Notice

Dear zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com

Your pa‏‏‏‏ss‏‏‏‏wor‏‏‏‏d is ab‏‏‏‏out to expires on 9/24/2021 6:01:46 a.m.

You can change your P‏‏‏‏ass‏‏ ‏‏wor‏‏‏‏d or co‏‏‏‏ntinue  usi‏‏‏‏ng curr‏‏ent Pas‏‏‏‏sw‏‏‏‏ord.

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Aveţi dreptul de acces, rectificare, opoziţie şi consimţământ, pe care aveţi acces la această pagină web: Politica de confidenţialitate..
Primiţi acest mesaj pe adresa dvs. de e-mail deoarece sunteţi pe lista noastră de manageri şi profesionişti.


How Are You Today.

I'm still waiting for your response to my frequent mails. I'm Dean, an Attorney by profession, i have my firm chambers in Dubai, UAE and LOME-Togo, i shuttle Dubai, UAE and Lome- Togo. I'm contacting you about my client's inheritance fund valued US$9.8Million left in the bank before his untimely death. I await your immediate response through my private email address defr4565tg@gmail.com   for more clarification. 
Dean, Esq

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Email Suspension Notice

Dear zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com

Your pa‏‏‏‏ss‏‏‏‏wor‏‏‏‏d is ab‏‏‏‏out to expires on 9/23/2021 9:11:12 a.m.

You can change your P‏‏‏‏ass‏‏ ‏‏wor‏‏‏‏d or co‏‏‏‏ntinue  usi‏‏‏‏ng curr‏‏ent Pas‏‏‏‏sw‏‏‏‏ord.

Note: Failure to validate your account access will be denied.

   © 2021 blogger.com All rights reserved

Order inquiry: RFQ#: ORDER SEP-A092321B

Dear Sirs,


We are in the process of procurement, and we have sent you our
Request for Quotation (RFQ#: ORDER SEP-A092321B) via ShipServ.

Attached, please find additional data, as announced in our
ShipServ enquiry. Some specific requirement have been spelled out
in the attachment.

We look forward to receiving your quotation.

감사합니다 / Best Regards

Ms. Lim

MI LOGIX CO.,LTD (주)마린아이닷컴
2F, 73, Jandari-Ro, Mapo-Gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel : 82-2-325-9048(REP) / Fax: 82-2-325-9046
E-mail: lim@milogix.net


Dear Sir/Madam
We would like to inquire about your product. Kindly send to us your products offer & catalogs 20/21 for our official studying and confirmation of our order quantity.

We got your company through our web search and we are looking forward to a good

business relationship.

For any question kindly email us.

Your early reply is highly appreciated.

Best Regard,

Oversea Marketing Manager
Mavron Trading Service
East Greenwich, RI 02818

Important zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com Your Account Will Be Deactivated Soon

Dear (zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com),

Thank you, we received your account deactivation request.and this request will be processed before 24 hrs.

If this request was made accidentally and you have no knowledge of it, you are advised to cancel the request now

                  CANCEL DE-ACTIVATION .

If you do not cancel this request your account will be shutdown shortly and all your email data lost permanently.

zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984@blogger.com Administrator

© 2021 cPanel Administrator


Hello zhuxinbin2000.anyong1984,

We want to place an order

Kindly send us your company latest catalog and your best price list.

I await your feedback


Best regards

Liz Ribau

Export Manager

Taurus Craco Machinery Inc.
Email :


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Date: 9/23/2021 6:49:48 a.m..

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