
Office Of The Prime Minister Malta

Office Of The Prime Minister
Auberge De Castille Misrah Kastilja ,
Valletta Malta VLT 1061.
Respond To This E-mail:- josephmuscat@politician-mt.com


My name is Dr. Joseph Muscat, a politician and the Prime minister of Malta. I am contacting you today because, I want us to go into a confidential business partnership. The word confidential is very important because of my status in my country.

My retirement is very close and I wish to prepare by investing in any lucrative business venture that will guarantee good returns. Alternative powers, movies, real estate, aggro allied, health related start-up companies etc. We are also looking for commercial building projects, hotels, casino, strip malls etc. However, if there are other areas of investment you consider to have good returns on investment, I will be glad to hear about them.

This mail is to inform you that, I am willing and able to release the total sum of US$250,000,000.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars) to you for investment in your country, as long as they will be a good returns on my investment possible joint venture partnerships. The project must be from US$250,000,000.00 million up to $1,200,000,000.00 dollars total budget for which you shall receive 2% of the total fund. 95% will go into the investments while, the remaining 3% will be used to cover and reimburse any expenses that may be incurred by both parties after the successful transfer of the Fund into your designated bank account in your country, as well as expenses towards establishing offices and any other expenses that arise from establishing this investments firm.

Possible joint venture partnerships or 100% long term loans. Project must be from $250 million up to $1.2 Billion Dollars total budget.

Note also that I am open to granting you LOAN at affordable interest rate if you so prefer. In this case, you will receive the loan, run the business on your own and pay back over an agreed period at an agreed interest.

Before we proceed, I would like to have some of your background information and a brief introduction of the various areas you would like us to invest in and perhaps expected yearly returns after take off.

If you have a project that differs from these and current budget is over $250 million, write me and provide executive summary and project details. 100% financing is available.

As soon as I receive your response, we will proceed further without any delays.

I look forward to your quick response.


Dr. Joseph Muscat.

